Amazing how fast these weeks go. Week 22 has come and gone in a blink of an eye. This week was full of baby shower planning and finishing our registry. Twas a fun week of shopping!!! I even found the most perfect dress & 2 pairs of shoes for my shower! Yes two, heels and flats, because lets face it, I'll probably only have the heels on for an hour. Mr. Landon has been quite the wiggle worm lately. Abuelita got to feel him kick for the first time today, she then proceeded to cry happy tears the whole way home. She's crazy but damn do we love her!
And now on to our weekly chalkboard & questionnaire:
22 weeks 6 days
How far
along? 22 weeks and 6 days
Total weight
gain/loss: I haven't weighed myself since the last doctors visit so we'll stick with 15lbs
clothes? HA! I went to get more scrubs and the largest size I could get without swimming in them was a small. The lady could NOT believe I was almost 6 months.
marks? Nada. Zip. Zero.
Sleep: It comes and goes, this week has been one of the better weeks.
Best moment this week: Watching Abuelita get so excited over feeling Landon's kicks
Have you told family and friends: Silly question now
Miss Anything? I could go for some sangria!
Movement: He's been a wiggle worm this week!
Food cravings: Sweets- Dairy Queen heath bar blizzards!
Anything making you
queasy or sick: Just smells
Have you started to
show yet: I have indeed. A lady at the mall the other day told me I had the cutest baby bump she'd ever seen. She then told me her plan to get super skinny before having a baby so she too could be all baby bump like me. She made me giggle quite a bit. Love nice people!
Gender prediction: BOY! BOY! BOY! I love BOY CLOTHES!!! Bow ties, suspenders, & boat shoes, OH MY!
Labor Signs: Had a scary few hours earlier this week with horrendous back spasms and abdominal cramping but Doc reassured me and told me to drink excessive amounts of water. Thankfully, that did the trick and it's been smooth sailing since.
Belly Button in or
out? I have officially removed my belly ring today (I've had it in since I was 16!) and when I did I saw that belly button making its way out. It's only a matter of time.
Wedding rings on or
off? ON!
Happy or Moody most
of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Getting the crib soon and painting the nursery! Can't wait to see all my ideas come to life!!!
Week 23 starts tomorrow so we'll see what fun stuff this week has in store for us!
Until next time...
Mama Bear signing off...
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